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  1. Yesterday was a fast day at work. I’ve got a lot on my mind about the possibility of changing careers coming very soon. As the time nears my interview I have begun to come to peace with my decision in possibly leaving the place that has been home to me for years, and the friends I have made here. I am grateful for the peaceful feeling I had yesterday and hope to hold onto that today.

  2. Layla loved the dinner I made last night. We made an easy Salisbury steak, but it was adorable watching her enjoy her dinner. Zac and I have been scraping meals together in an effort to not waste what we already have, and do our best to not over buy groceries. Last night we did a damn good job at it.

  3. To add to our dinner talk above, last night Zac helped me in the kitchen. All three of us were together cooking as a family, and it took a ton of pressure off of my shoulders. I’m thinking of asking for help more often.

  4. Yesterday Layla spent the entire day with her Lovey in the garden. I am so grateful for our family and the help that we have with her while we work. And with that help, they teach her all about the outdoors.

Layla learning about gardening with her Lovey

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